One of the three accessible aragonite caves in the world. The other two are in Mexico and Argentina.
In the access drift of the Ochtinská Aragonite Cave, you need to climb 104 steps and then you enter into a world of splendour, which could only be created by the all-mighty Mother Nature. This is another world unique site, as the cave is one of the three aragonite caves accessible on this planet. The other two are situated in Mexico and Argentina.
The Ochtinská Aragonite Cave is located in the highlands of Revúca between Jelšava and Štítnik. Access to the cave is 642 metres above sea level. You may reach the cave from Košice to Rožňava and Jelšava. We may get there by turning off the road between Štítnik and Jelšava. Parking is located about 300 metres from the entrance to the cave, from your car, you may reach it on a sidewalk with a slight elevation.

The oldest of the aragonite formations are almost 140 thousand years old.
In the cave, we may find three generations of aragonite, the first of which is 121 to 138 thousand years old. The second generation is most abundantly represented by several dozen centimetres long needles and curved even spiralled helicticts about 14 thousand years old. The youngest generation is currently being formed on sediments and produces tiny tufts only 2 to 4 millimetres large.

Aragonit can grow into different shapes.
Photo author: Július Szabo
230 metres are accessible of the total length of 300 metres and the tour takes half an hour. As to its size, the cave is not large, but it is extremely valuable. The varicoloured aragonite filling in the form of spirals, small needles, and formations resembling coral creates a diverse mixture of beautiful pictures. The Milky Way Hall is considered the most beautiful place of the cave, where white aragonite tassels in the ceiling crack create an impression of the stars of our galaxy in the light of the lamps.

Photo author: Július Szabo
Aragonite is calcium carbonate and this mineral may have different shapes and appearances – one of upright, dripstone, fibrous, or ray-like, or the rarest one, reminiscent of coral (also called iron flower).
The most precious aragonit shape, so-called iron flower, reminding coral.

Photo author: Július Szabo
This world treasure was discovered by chance in the year 1954 when tunnelling the geologic survey drift. It was made accessible to the public in the year 1972. The temperature in the cave is around 7.2° C to 7.8° C and the relative humidity ranges between 92 percent and 97 percent.